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Fairy Godmother Spa Board

$1,100.00 a Month

A luxurious & magical Boarding experience

This package not only includes the best essentials and perks to make you feel like royalty, but also offers a health regiment for your horse. Access our fairy tale themed equestrian facility and its amenities. Ride in our 70’ x 140’ indoor arena, 75’ x 150’ outdoor arena, property trails, or cross country field. Relax in a no drama atmosphere and enjoy your horse.

  • Horse massaged weekly

  • Hoofs picked and coated weekly

  • Infrared treatment once a week

  • One free health analysis for your horse once a year

  • Horses are fed high quality hay up to eight flakes a day (horses on grass paddocks all day will be fed supplemental hay at turn in and evening)

  • Tribute grain is fed twice a day or when needed.

  • We will also feed your horse supplements with their evening or morning food if you provide.

  • Weather permitting, horses are turned out daily. Choose between individual or herd turn out in our pasture paddocks. Limited sand paddocks also available.

  • Owner provided fly spray, fly masks, boots, and sheets will be applied according to the season and weather.

  • We can hold your horse for the farrier and vet, so you don’t need to be there for appointments.

  • Once a week tacking options available as needed. (Must be scheduled at least 2 days prior in order to guarantee service)

  • Once a month, call it in personal day. We will groom and lunge (30 min) your horse. This does not apply to green or unbacked horses.

  • Late night checks

  • Personal stall fans

  • Access to a camera to watch your horse in its stall from your phone

  • Access to free seasonal events and discounts to barn events tickets

  • Discounts to our Blue Fairy Boutique tack shop (coming soon!)

  • Discounts for your own personal wedding.

  • One free drink and snack per a day for yourself only (while supplies last).

  • Barn member fun days.

  • All boarders have access to the well lit indoor arena, outdoor arena, and cross country arena. You will also have access to an on property trail (you must call in to schedule riding time or schedule it in person in advance).